Browning's Driver Improvement Schools
Risk Reduction and Defensive Driving classes are now being held. Class sizes are limited and registration is by appointment only.
Please call 1-706-865-7128 for more information or to schedule your appointments.
Got a DUI? Drug Possession? or even a Speeding Ticket? We can help!
Risk Reduction Program (RRP): 20 Hr program commonly referred to as "DUI School". The RRP program is required in Georgia when someone has been convicted or plead guilty to a DUI or Drug Possession. This program consist of 20 hours of alcohol and drug addiction education. We generally offer the program over a 3 day period SAT-MON.
Defensive Driving Course (DDC): 6 Hr program. DDC is required in Georgia when someone has been convicted or plead guilty to traffic citations in order to re-instate license when they have been suspended, or can be taken voluntarily to reduce the number of points against your drivers license to avoid point suspension. You may need to consult with your lawyer regarding appropriateness for your case, but many people take DDC before going to court.